Are FDIC Bankers Preparing for Bank Runs in the U.S.?

Are FDIC Bankers Preparing for Bank Runs in the U.S.? Comments by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News

While the news reported today by the Rasmussen Poll revealing that nearly half of Americans are now stating that they believe the COVID-19 “vaccines” are responsible for “sudden deaths,” and more than 25% saying that they believe they know someone who has died from the shots, is positive news at face value, it is also potentially bad news, because the Globalists know this also, and they know that they need to act quickly to cover up the impending financial collapse.

I am republishing two articles that were just published regarding the potential imminent collapse of our financial system.

In the first one, Jamie White of reports on a recent meeting of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) officials who seem to be preparing for this financial collapse and possible bank runs.

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He reports that the FDIC insures $9 TRILLION of bank deposits with only $125 billion worth of assets currently available.

Keep in mind that we already saw one bank run in 2022 with the FTX blowup, where several cryptocurrency exchanges shut down and prevented people from withdrawing their funds.

In the second article, Michael Bryant, writing for Off-Guardian, recaps how COVID-19 was a “global financial operation” that prevented the financial system from crashing starting in the 4th quarter of 2019.

So something big appears to be coming here in 2023, which could be an expansion of war from the current conflicts happening around the globe right now, where they escalate to nuclear attacks, probably coordinated with bank failures.

Must Watch: FDIC Bankers Discuss ‘Bail-Ins’ To Deal With Impending Market Collapse

by Jamie White

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) officials recently discussed how to deal with the next approaching market collapse and hide alarming data from depositors to prevent bank runs, video of a meeting shows.

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